
Important things for people around the world


Everything in this universe is the only one that depends on the laws of love. That is the truth.

People around the world must be able to catch it sensuously. You will realize that everyone is in love and connected to everything. Human growth is accompanied by changes in the universe. It is the dynamism of the universe that each person receives a higher sign and they leave it around.
posted by ほうとく at 23:58| Comment(0) | 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Self-introduction for foreigners.


I am a shinto priest in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan.Shinto is a culture preserved in Japan from ancient times to today.My name is Hotoku Nakazawa.I pray for your health and world peace.

I support people who are interested in Japanese culture, especially Shinto. Shinto is a Japanese religion. The domain of Shinto ranges from religious heights to everyday details. On the surface, Shinto is an ancient Japanese culture rather than a religion. At the same time, Shinto leads to an understanding of advanced truths despite having no doctrine.
posted by ほうとく at 16:23| Comment(0) | 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする