We are actually live on the ground. We want to walk in peace. But, there are a lot of fights around us. It fights here and there in the world. There is troubles with neighbors. And a lot of families have disharmony.
Those fights of reality are caused by the fights of the minds. If the minds is peaceful, the fights of the reality are lost in the world.
"Do I have peace in my mind?" Everyone has to ask oneself. It only overflow love in your mind. Love will erase your desire of the fight.
You might think love not to be able to fill your mind when the desire of the fight is in your mind.
But, you can do it. The flow of love has reached by you. Serve so that you may throw the love to your nearby persons day by day. It will become a big flow. And, everyone fills the mind with love.
If you have love, your family, your neighbors, and the worlds are peaceful. You will notice it. The flow of love reaches a family, neighbors, and people all over the world.
We believe love makes peace all over the world.
(Shinto priest, Nakazawa Hotoku on September 1, 2014 日本語は
写真 著作者: lwpkommunikacio
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